Jovan Miller Blog: Being a Pro

What does it mean to be considered a professional? I ask that question in not just the athletics’ field, but on the job.

I have recently been reading a lot of comments and listening to people express their opinion about what it means. Some people are professional athletes, other businessmen, advisers, etc.

The one consistent thing I have seen or heard has been about how to conduct yourself regardless of your job. I believe that it is very easy for those NOT in that position to try to tell a person in that position how they should or should not conduct themselves.

Many times we try to be everyone’s boss but our own. The fact is if God wanted you to be that, he would have. You can never get in someone else’s mind or generalize their position or perception based off of where YOU think you would stand. In the lacrosse, I am learning that lesson everyday. When you get to certain point everyone wants to try to tell you how to act or conduct yourself.

It can be the fact that they care too much, they’re just haters of you and what you stand for, or a combination of both. I encourage you all to follow your own intuition, not what some else thinks, of course unless it’s someone you can confide in like your parents or friend.

Posted in MLL