MCLA Executive Board Revises Presidential Pick

July 17, 2013

Earlier this summer the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association’s sitting president, Tony Scazzero, stepped down mid- term. The MCLA then held interviews to find the a new president before the end of June. Shortly after these interviews Gary Podesta, currently the vice president of competition, was named the new MCLA president.     After a short while the Board of Directors, made up of the conference directors, felt that the Executive Committee…


Fann Cup 2013 Review

July 16, 2013

The 2013 Fann Cup has come to an end. And as usual, a great time was had by all.  Not only was the water, Gatorade, soft drinks, and other adult beverages poured, but the sweat poured from every player in this lacrosse tournament as they raised money in memory of Tyler Kopp.  The totals for the weekend will not be known for a few weeks.


Bandits-Benesch Press Release

July 15, 2013

Buffalo Bandits General Manager Steve Dietrich today announced that the team has acquired forward Ryan Benesch and transition player Andrew Watt from the Minnesota Swarm in exchange for first-round picks in the 2015 and 2016 NLL Entry Draft and a third-round pick in the 2017 NLL Entry Draft. “We are thrilled to be able to add Ryan and Andrew,” Dietrich said. “I still believe that we are going to build…


Sabertooths Prepare to Defend Title

July 12, 2013

The Colorado Sabertooths destroyed the Midwest Indoor Lacrosse Association last season, and as they head into their second season in the now Continental Indoor Lacrosse League, they prepare to defend their title.


Fann Cup Blog: Day One

July 12, 2013

The “official” start of the annual Fann Cup lacrosse tournament starts Friday night , but for some, including myself it has  started.  I will post a daily blog trying to keep you informed of some of the fun and activities that make this tournament fun. Thursday July 11, 2013…  Road Trip to Rochester. After working for three hours at my job (longest 3 hours ever), I stop home to pick…


2013 Fann Cup Preview

July 10, 2013

The NLL season may be over, but that doesn’t stop over 200 fans getting together annually for a lacrosse tournament known as FANN CUP. This years host will be the city of Rochester and the Rochester Krewhawks fans of the 2012-13 Champion Rochester Knighthawks. This yearly event started back in 2002 with 2 teams. A team from Toronto and a team combined of fans from Buffalo and Rochester getting together…