D3 Lacrosse Blog Preseason Regional Rankings

D3LaxThe NCAA Division III Tournament is set up in such a way that where a team resides geographically has an impact deeper than just its conference. While there is sometimes some crossover, the brackets are set up in such a way that a team from the north will emerge to face a team from the south.

The USILA will begin releasing its regional rankings as the season progresses (check out the USILA Coaches Poll here) but before the season gets underway in earnest, it is important to understand where teams fit in the context of their respective regions.

For a complete list of the North & South region constituents, complete with each region’s Pool B teams, check out Lax Power’s NCAA Selection Criteria.

D3 Lacrosse Blog North Rankings

  1. RIT
  2. Cortland
  3. Tufts
  4. Nazareth
  5. Western New England
  6. Stevens
  7. Denison
  8. Wesleyan
  9. Ithaca
  10. Middlebury

D3 Lacrosse Blog South Rankings

  1. Stevenson
  2. Salisbury
  3. Cabrini
  4. Dickinson
  5. Roanoke
  6. Washington College
  7. Lynchburg
  8. Washington & Lee
  9. St. Mary’s
  10. Gettysburg