Where Does Lacrosse Stand After the FIL?

August 8, 2014

Moments that will stand out to me are seeing a packed stadium for the final game between the U.S. and Canada, Uganda becoming the first team from Africa to compete in the championships (and securing a pair of wins), along with Israel coming together and playing tremendously despite everything that must have been on the players’ minds amidst what was happening back home. One (and possibly only) negative was pace…


Best of the Blue Division Shine in FIL

July 26, 2014

After an exciting week filled with a showcase of international skills, and a growing love for the sport of lacrosse, we end with Canada as our world champion, and a few other dedicated and capable teams following.  Immense talent and drive was diaplayed by the top five teams, and their players deserve some recognition. The top five coming out of the FIL tournament were Canada¸ USA, Iroquois Nationals, Australia, and…


Russia Blog: Hoped for More, Looks Forward to Future Growth

July 23, 2014

It’s hard to believe the worlds are already over. Getting to play for a national team had always been a dream of mine and it’s pretty awesome that it’s finally come true. The Russian team has definitely gone through changes over the past two weeks and I’m very happy to say I was apart if it and I hope the other American players can say the same thing.We had really…


FIL: Tournament Placings and Most Improved Teams

July 23, 2014

The FIL tournament has come to a close with Canada as the new champions. However, while the top three teams medaled as expected, other teams have improved and we have seen the rise of some international players. Final Placement 1. Canada2.USA3. Iroquois Nationals4. Australia 5 England 6 Scotland 7 Israel8 Japan 9 Germany  10 Ireland 11 Sweden 12 New Zealand 13 Finland 14 Czech Republic 15 Switzerland 16 Netherlands 17 Wales 18 Italy 19 Latvia 20…


China Blog: Growing as a Team

July 23, 2014

With the tournament coming to an end, I can say that as a team we have improved drastically. We finished off the tournament with 3 games going 2-1. Our first was a tough loss against our rivals, Team Thailand. We came out slow spotting them a 6 goal lead in the first quarter. We clawed our way back to bring the score within 4, but unfortunately we ran out of…


FIL Denver Not Just Test of Skills, But of Growth As Well

July 22, 2014

One of the best stories from the 2014 World Lacrosse Championships was the emergence of countries, nations earning more success than what was expected. When thinking about this, three teams stand out the most to me. Israel Turmoil and unsettled conditions in Israel led to high security surrounding the team in Denver. Rather than be a distraction, the team rallied together and took playing for its country to a new…


Turkey Blog: Turkish Team Improving

July 22, 2014

The Turkish National team has made three years of progress in just one year’s time. It has done in days what it takes most athletes months or years to achieve. The team came together in July this year and grabbed the #22 spot in the world, despite 2014 being its first appearance at the World Games. It came in #2 among the newcomers, second only to Israel. Members of the…


FIL Awards: The Best Performances Over the Week

July 22, 2014

Photo Credit: Di Miller As the World Lacrosse Games 2014 have come to a conclusion, with the cloud of lacrosse memories still fresh in my mind. It is time to give my shout outs to those that showed great honor to the creator the past 10 days. Goalie of the Tournament:  Dillon Ward of Canada for his outstanding play all tournament long as well as his outstanding effort in the…


Takeaways: Canada Executed Perfect Game

July 21, 2014

Photo Credit: Di Miller The 2014 World Lacrosse Championships wrapped up on Saturday night with Canada defeating the United States. It wasn’t a historic or monumental upset, but is certainly an upset. Perhaps it’s fitting that in an era of growth and parity in the sport that the tournament ended the way it did. Here are some of my takeaways from Saturday’s title game along with the tournament as a…


Scotland Loses, But Advances in Long Run

July 21, 2014

Photo Credit: Di Miller The closing day of the World Lacrosse Games saw a lot of talent and games played. England and Scotland provided a highlight reel of goals for the fans, as these two teams played a shootout for 4 quarters of play, England coming away the victor. The 5th place finish was a great way to end the games, after a slow start against the World’s best. The…