Meet a NALL Player: Joe Evans

Name: Joe Evans

Position: Goalie

Team: Rhode Island Kignfish

Pro teams:  Vermont Voyageurs

Favorite Lacrosse Memory: First game as a field goalie, I let in one goal and was covered in bruises…I was hooked

Favorite Pro: Anthony Cosmo, he plays great angles and is almost always in position but can also make the acrobatic reaction saves.

Strengths: Field Vision, being able to read off ball play is a must in box.

Toughest Shooter: Bryan Bendig he’s a great spot shooter. In both field and box we always seem to battle.

Evans’ Thoughts

I grew up and went to high school in Danvers, Ma. I went on to play my college ball at Dean College and Salisbury University. I began my box career after college and was presented with a great opportunity to gain experience with the Vermont Voyageurs these past two seasons. I also owe a big thanks to Randy Fraser for getting me into the pads in the first place. I’m looking forward to being a Kingfish this upcoming season, a lot of our team has played together in the past and we should have good chemistry early on.

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